If you need immediate assistance |
Contact emergency assistance at 911 When dialing 911 from a cell phone, state your location first. Your number and address will not show up on their screen. Give the operator your information in this order: 1) Location 2) Name 3) Offender’s name 4) What is happening The National Domestic Violence Hotline is available at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) If you would like to
volunteer to help out with this website. Please email us at |
Safety Alert |
Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are afraid your internet and/or computer usage might be monitored, please use a safer computer, and call The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233). |
Get Help Now |
Making the decision to change your life is difficult. If you have children, it’s even more so. How will you support yourself and your family? Where will you go? How will you get by? We have been able to help others make the transition to a life without fear of violence, and we can help you. First, you need to make the decision to change your life. The nature of that change depends on you, and your unique situation. This can range from family counseling to helping you start a new life in another part of the country. Others have done it with the help of Safe Moves and a Safe Transitions Case Manager (STCM). So can you. It’s free, and it works… Read some Survivor Stories from our case workers, and read how Safe Moves helped some families in Letters from Survivors. Some of their stories may sound like your own. |